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WithCare Clinic: Helping Hurst-Euless-Bedford Area Understand Flu Symptoms and Effective Treatment

Dec 21, 2023

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WithCare Clinic: Helping Hurst-Euless-Bedford Area Understand Flu Symptoms and Effective Treatment

In Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and throughout Tarrant County, flu season surveillance is year-round. Recognizing flu symptoms and understanding how to manage them effectively is critical for protecting you and your family from an outbreak. WithCare Clinic serves the Tarrant County area, prioritizing your well-being by providing comprehensive information on flu symptoms and by serving the community with superior primary care and urgent care. To stay safe this flu season, and year-round, learn more about flu’s common symptoms and understand the steps to treat flu properly.

Common Flu Symptoms

While many people with the flu will present differently, there is a pattern to flu’s presentation. Typically, individuals with flu will have a high fever (over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) and may experience body aches or muscle soreness, profound tiredness or fatigue, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, or headache. Additional symptoms may include chills or loss of appetite.


Children may have slightly different symptoms, including nausea or vomiting and diarrhea.

While these symptoms are not specific to flu, a combination of these symptoms, or a progression through them over the course of a few days could indicate a flue infection. If you notice any of these symptoms in you or your family, it’s important to take action as soon as possible.

Treating Flu Symptoms

What is Flu?

Flu is caused by a virus, which is a small particle that infects and reproduces in our body’s cells. Unlike a bacterial infection, which can be treated effectively with proper antibiotics, viruses must be handled by our body’s immune system. While there are certain medications which can help our body manage systems, it is our own immune system that is the ultimate warrior in fighting flu infections.

Step 0: Get your yearly flu vaccine.

Because flu is a virus and cannot be treated with antibiotics, the most important step in treating flu is to prevent its occurrence in the first place. The easiest and most effective way to prevent a flu infection is with a yearly flu shot.

Flu shots stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies, like anti-virus warriors, to specifically target this year’s viral strain, which is why it’s so important to get a flu shot each year.  By receiving a flu shot annually, you are protecting your body against the current flu virus, while also contributing to herd immunity for all the people in Tarrant County, reducing the spread of flu to vulnerable populations. This preventative measure significantly lowers the risk of contracting the flu and reduces its potential complications, especially for high-risk groups like young children, pregnant women, older adults, and those with chronic health conditions.

If you haven’t yet received your yearly flu shot, consult WithCare clinic to schedule your flu shot in the Hurt-Euless-Bedford area.

Step 1: Rest and Hydration

If you’ve already contracted the flu this year, the first step in effective treatment is appropriate rest and hydration. Though you probably won’t feel like doing much anyway, effective rest allows your body to recover from symptoms and regenerate new antibodies to stay the course and continue to fight the pesky flu virus. Staying hydrated during this stage is also vitally important, as water is essential to many bodily functions and dehydration can severely worsen flu symptoms.

Step 2: Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications:

While no medication will get rid of the flu for you, there are many Over-the-Counter (OTC) medicines which will allow you to effectively manage flu’s symptoms. For example, acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used to relieve fever and ease the pain of body aches and muscle pains. Cough syrups and numbing cough drops can reduce coughing and ease the pain of a sore throat. Finally, decongestants can provide nasal congestion relief, allowing you to breathe and sleep better.

 Step 3: Seeking Medical Attention:

If your flu symptoms persist or worsen, or if you are in a high-risk group, consider seeking medical attention for effective flu treatment.

If you have any of these severe symptoms, seek medical attention immediately:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Chest pain or pressure.
  • Sudden dizziness or confusion.
  • Severe or persistent vomiting.
  • Symptoms that improve but then return with a fever and worsening cough.

If symptoms persist and do not improve after a few days, or you experience any of the symptoms listed above, consult with a healthcare provider at WithCare Clinic in Tarrant County. Our expert providers will be able to assess the situation, provide appropriate guidance, and offer specialized treatment to manage flu effectively.

High Risk Groups and Children:

Individuals in high-risk categories, including pregnant women, young children (especially those under 5 years old), adults over 65, and adults with chronic medical conditions or weakened immune systems, should contact a healthcare professional promptly upon experiencing flu-like symptoms.

Parents should be especially vigilant of a child’s flu-like symptoms. If a child appears very sick, is extremely irritable, or is not drinking enough fluids, seek medical care immediately to ensure the best health for your child. 

WithCare Clinic, serving the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Area Every Flu Season.



Residents of Tarrant County, if you’re experience flu symptoms or have concerns about your health during flu season, WithCare Clinic is here to help provide expert guidance and personalized care. Don’t let the flu compromise your family’s health this winter. Schedule an appointment with our experienced professionals today to receive a comprehensive evaluation and proactive strategies to manage flu symptoms.

Your health matters, and WithCare Clinic is committed to supporting you throughout flu season and beyond. Contact us now to schedule your appointment and get the care you deserve.